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PmWiki: PageDirectives

PmWiki uses a number of directives to specify page titles, descriptions, page keywords, and control the display of various components.

Honors any newlines in the markup; i.e., text entered on separate lines in the markup will appear as separate lines in the output. Use (:nolinebreaks:) to cause text lines to automatically join again.

(:title text:)
Sets a page's title to be something other than the page's name. The title text can contain apostrophes and other special characters. If there are multiple titles in a page, the last one encountered wins.

A quick note about these "meta directives": title, keywords, description: it seems that if one page includes another, and both have meta directives, the last tag wins! Therefore, it is probably best to put the meta directives for the page at the bottom of the page (i.e., after the "include" directive). -- Mike?

(:keywords word1, word2, ...:)
Identifies keywords associated with the page. These are not displayed anywhere, but are useful to help search engines locate the page. (Essentially, this generates a <meta name='keywords' content='...' /> element in the output.)

(:description text:)
Descriptive text associated with the page. (Generates a <meta name='description' content='...' /> element in the page output.)

(:redirect PageName:)
Redirects the browser to another page, along with a redirect message. For security reasons this only redirects to other pages within the wiki and does not redirect to external urls.

If supported by the skin, turns off the header, footer, title area, or left sidebar.

Turns off any groupheader or groupfooter for the page. (See GroupHeaders.)

(:linkwikiwords:), (:nolinkwikiwords:)
(:spacewikiwords:), (:nospacewikiwords:)
Enables/disables WikiWord links and automatic spacing of WikiWords in text.

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